Culture Shock update

Hey everyone! So good news, my host family got rid of the bed bugs! I am praying they don't come back. I think now I am in stage 4 of culture shock but I'm not certain. I'm not missing america anymore and I have begun to just accept things the way they are and not be too stressed about anything. I also for a couple of days was having moments of panic and feeling very stuck and being afraid to be in Africa for so long and I also haven't had that feeling in a couple days. Although I will say English is beginning to confuse me a lot.... I find myself having difficulty spelling things and reading stuff on social media and sometimes people will be speaking English and my brain doesn't realize it for a minute. It's pretty strange but I guess it's kind of normal. I do miss always having access to free and clean water, and being here has made me realize what a blessing that is because sometimes it is hard to find here and that's something Rwandan's have to deal with every day. Also the WiFi at my house went out and I realized that I was spoiled with constant free WiFi unlike everyone else here, so I guess it's a good thing to experience a few days without WiFi. This morning I went to church with my family and it was so wonderful! It was pretty american, the service was in English and I knew the worship songs. But I will say there was a wave of emotion that came over me when I walked in the door because I could just tell everyone there was so in touch with Jesus and could really feel the Holy Spirit there. I can't wait to go back! My internship is wonderful, I get to teach English, Reading and writing and sometimes math and science at a Christian primary school in Kigali. I teach second grade and the kids are so wonderful! They love to learn and they are very easy to teach. The only obstacle I have encountered this far with teaching would be that their English and my English are different. We pronounce things differently and sometimes the translation is off. But that's nothing I can't handle and I know I will get used to it. Well I hope you guys are enjoying my journey! I appreciate everyone who is keeping up with me and please continue!


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