Rwanda.. pt. 2.. .then Tanzania
We made it back to Rwanda! We fly out in the morning to go to Tanzania, then we begin our ascent to the top of Kilimanjaro on Friday! Honestly I hate planes so I'm not pumped to fly tomorrow but it's a short flight so I think it will be fine. I'm super nervous about Kili so everyone please pray for us and send positive vibes our way. I appreciate all of the support and stay tuned for how it goes! I am just praying I summit. I know it's not really up to me because if I get altitude sickness/ brain swelling then I kind of have to go down but I'm just praying that doesn't happen. Also life update! Most people know this by now but I have decided to go to Colorado State University in the fall to get my bachelors degree in international studies with a focus on the middle east and north Africa. I am so excited to be going to school with Addie and Virginia and I can't wait to see what the future holds! As this whole journey is quickly coming to an end I have been reflecting on how much this gap year has meant to me and how these friendships will last a lifetime. I am honestly so grateful for this amazing experience and all the personal growth that has taken place throughout the year. It has also been wonderful to watch everyone overcome their own personal obstacle and reach a new level of maturity and grow so much this year. I wouldn't trade this experience for the world and if there's anyone reading this who is debating taking a gap year.... DO IT!! It will literally change your life and college will always be there. Taking the time to explore the world and figure out who you are and what you want out of life is always worth it. Like I said, college will always be there, one year off won't hurt you, if anything it will help you in ways you never thought possible. I am excited for college now because I know I am so much more prepared for it than I was a year ago and I am mature enough to handle it and be disciplined with my studies. Not to mention I have such a good understanding of who I am as a person and what I want to do with my life that I think my college experience will be so much more than I ever thought possible. I have benefited so much from this year and I have watched my now closest friends benefit from it so much. Well... that's kind of all I have to say for now! Wish me luck on Kilimanjaro and traveling back to the states, and as always... thanks for keeping up with my journey.
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